How To Always Look Good
Accessories can make or break an outfit Wow! This is a very exciting topic for me. And I also think that it's very broad, and in a way very controversial. What does it mean to look good? Is it something that is important or not? What does it take for one to look good? And why do you need to look good? Or for whom? I think these are some of the questions that you are asking as you are reading this. Well, I think you need to look good for yourself firstly, and yes for other people too. The reason why I say you need to look good for yourself firstly is because it's difficult to please people. The reason being that we all have different taste in fashion and preferences when it comes to hair, clothes, etc. Basically, one man's meat is another man's poison (sounds like a cliche, right? ). But I have noticed this to be very true. What I like is not going to be neccessarily liked by the next person. Not because it doesn't look good, but because it might not su...