
Showing posts from May 25, 2017

Following Your Passion

Hello. I hope I find you well:) Well, recently I decided to follow up on my dream and passion of writing. It is something that I had given up on and had instead resorted to focusing on other "things". However, the moment that I started writing again I realized how happy and satisfied I felt. I started asking myself why I had not been writing all along! Hmm I did not really find a justifiable reason, even though I really wanted to have one. I guess you are wondering where I am going with this, well, the point I am trying to make is that sometimes we let go of our dreams and passions without even realizing it. We get carried away and let other things get in the way, and we still try to find reasons to justify it! I do understand that sometimes certain events can make one lose focus or completely give up, but guess what?, you can still pick yourself up and keep going. One way or another you will find your joy buried somewhere in what you love doing. I am going to give you a ...